Sunday, February 3, 2019

a quote by beloved Murshid SAM

"The first line of defense is the moral teaching of kindliness, tolerance and compassion. These belong to all religions and to atheism and to philosophy and to science.

They can be advocated at all times and before all peoples. 

If they do not stand as ideals, conflict will necessarily follow.

Christ came to teach not theology but love. Mohammed came only with the Message of Unity, and Buddha taught that it was an attitude, not a form, which raised one into the peace of Nirvana.

The religious will accept the ideas of love, harmony and beauty and the irreligious will accept the ideals of love, harmony and beauty.

So you can find a common standard whereby all may join.
In this way the Sufi Message in time will help greatly to spread the spirit of human brother and sisterhood and so establish peace upon earth.”
Sufi Murshid SAMUEL L. LEWIS

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