Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Friday, April 5, 2019

Shamanism in Belarus...

The ancient Slavic peoples believed
 the origin of human beings and bear were closely related.

at Wikipedia

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Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Night Journey

The Prophet's journey on Buraq is all the proof I need about his shamanic abilities.  Whether he considered it shamanism or not, I don't know.  I do know that he practiced healing techniques.  He taught Fatima, may Her Light shine with Mercy on all of us, how to use ashes when working with wounds. He also had herbal remedies. 

He said:
“Every disease has a cure. 
If a cure is applied to the disease, 
then it is relieved by the permission of Allah Almighty.”
(Sahih Muslim)

Istvan Sky ... This one is great for journeying ...

Hungarian shaman ritual...

Having recently discovered my Eastern European ancestry from a dna test, I am discovering what feels like a "dna memory"/"ancestral memory" at times like this.  The shamans of Eastern Europe are calling.  Something magical happens in this video, even when only watching it on Youtube. Its energy is very intense.  It is moving me toward memories I carry in my blood.

I also want to note the dhikr/sema like atmosphere created during this time of gathered chanting.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Praying to the Glad Woman...

I, the Queen of Heaven, speak!
My child,
your Mother has not gone away.

All the songs
you sing,
I write.
I come to teach you of Life.
In the Sun.
which reflects in the water,
may you remember,
who you are:
My Daughter.
May the symphony of the Stars
warm you with knowledge
you Live Embraced In My Heart.


Boldogasszony (Mother goddess)

Also called "Istenanya." 
Her name means "Blessed Lady" or "Bountiful Queen".
She was the goddess of motherhood and helped women in childbirth.[according to whom?]
After Hungarians were Christianized with the help of St. Gerard of Csanad, her figure fell out of favor for that of the Virgin Mary.[citation needed] In later years the name "Boldogasszony" and "Nagyboldogasszony" (Great Blessed Lady) was primarily used as a moniker for the Virgin Mary. She is also considered the "Queen (Regina) of Hungary".

Drums of Hungary...

Sometimes Hu knows
what Hu knows.

Hungarian Shamanism

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wisdom of Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri...