Thursday, March 28, 2019

Kali is Brahman Brahman is Kali...

108 names of Maa are:
सति - One who got burned alive
साध्वी - The Sanguine
भवप्रीता - One who is loved by the universe
भवानी - The abode of the universe
भवमोचिनी - The absolver of the universe
आर्य - Goddess
दुर्गा - The Invincible
जया - The Victorious
अद्या - The Initial reality
त्रिनेत्रा - One who has three-eyes
शूलधारिणी - One who holds a monodent
पिनाकधारिणी - One who holds the trident of Shiva
चित्रा - The Picturesque
चंद्रघंटा - One who has mighty bells
महातपा - With severe penance
मन: - Mind
बुद्धि - Intelligence
अहंकारा - One with Pride
चित्तरूपा - One who is in thought-state
चिता: - Death-bed
चिति - The thinking mind
सर्वमन्त्रमयी - One who possess all the instruments of thought
सत्ता - One who is above all
स्त्यानन्दस्वरूपिनी - Form of Eternal bliss
अनंता - One who is Infinite or beyond measure
भवानी - The Beautiful Woman
भाव्या - Represents Future
भव्या - With Magnificence
अभव्या - Improper or fear-causing
सद्गति - Always in motion, bestowing Moksha (salvation)
शाम्भवी - Consort of Shambhu
देवमाता - Mother Goddess
चिंता - Tension
रत्नप्रिया - Adorned or loved by jewels
सर्वविद्या - Knowledgeable
दक्षकन्या - Daughter of Daksha
दक्षयज्ञविनाशिनी - Interrupter of the sacrifice of Daksha
अपर्णा - One who doesnt eat even leaves while fasting
अनेकवर्णा - One who has many complexions
पाटला - Red in color
पाटलवती - Wearing red-color attire
पट्टाम्बरापरिधाना - Wearing a dress made of leather
कलामंजीरारंजिनी - Wearing a musical anklet
अमेया - One who is beyond measure
विक्रमा - Violent
क्रूरा - Brutal (on demons)
सुंदरी - The Gorgeous
सुरसुन्दरी - Extremely Beautiful
वनदुर्गा - Goddess of forests
मातंगी - Goddess of Matanga
मातंगमुनिपूजिता - Worshipped by Sage Matanga
ब्राह्मी - Power of God Brahma
महेश्वरी - Power of Lord Mahesha (Shiva)
ऐन्द्री - Power of God Indra
कौमारी - The adolescent
वैष्णवी - The invincible
चामुंडा - Slayer of Chanda and Munda(demons)
वाराही - One who rides on Varaah
लक्ष्मी - Goddess of Wealth
परुषाकृति - One who takes the form of a man
विमिलौत्त्कार्शिनी - One who provides joy
ज्ञाना - Full of Knowledge
क्रिया - One who is in action
नित्या - The eternal one
बुद्धिदा - The bestower of wisdom
बहुला - One who is in various forms
बहुलप्रेमा - One who is loved by all
सर्ववाहनवाहना - One who rides all vehicles
निशुम्भशुम्भहननी - Slayer of the demon-brothers Shumbha Nishumbha
महिषासुरमर्दिनी - Slayer of the bull-demon Mahishaasura
मधुकैटभहन्त्री - Slayer of the demon-duo Madhu and Kaitabha
चंडमुंडविनाशिनी - Destroyer of the ferocious asuras Chanda and Munda
सर्वासुरविनाशा - Destroyer of all demons
सर्वादानवघातिनी - Possessing the power to kill all the demons
सर्वाशास्त्रमयी - One who is deft in all theories
सत्या - The truth
सर्वास्त्रधारिणी - Possessor of all the missile weapons
अनेकशस्त्रहस्ता - Possessor of many hand weapons
अनेकास्त्रधारनी - Possessor of many missile weapons
कुमारी - The beautiful adolescent
एककन्या - The girl child
किशोरी - The adolescent
युवती - The Woman
यति - Ascetic, one who renounces the world
अप्रौढा - One who never gets old
प्रौढा - One who is old
वृद्धमाता - The old mother (loosely)
बलप्रदा - The bestower of strength
महोदरी - One who has huge belly which stores the universe
मुक्तकेशी - One who has open tresses
घोररूपा - Having a fierce outlook
महाबला - Having immense strength
अग्निज्वाला - One who is poignant like fire
रौद्रमुखी - One who has a fierce face like destroyer Rudra
कालरात्रि - Goddess who is black like night
तपस्विनी - one who is engaged in penance
नारायणी - The destructive aspect of Lord Narayana (Brahma)
भद्रकाली - Fierce form of Kali
विष्णुमाया - Spell of Lord Vishnu
जलोदरी - Abode of the ethereal universe
शिवदूती - Ambassador of Lord Shiva
कराली - The Violent
अनंता - The Infinite
परमेश्वरी - The Ultimate Goddess
कात्यानी - One who is worshipped by sage Katyanan
सावित्री - Daughter of the Sun God Savitr
प्रत्यक्षा - One who is real
ब्रह्मवादिनी - One who is present everywhere

Monday, March 25, 2019


Let the water settle;
you will see the moon and stars
mirrored in your being...
R u m i

Friday, March 22, 2019

Monday, March 18, 2019

Peia and Wild Honey "When the Walls Come Crashing Down" by Samuel Lockr...

Lyrics to the Song

As the wind does whisper once again
into our willing ears,
a voice speaks soft, “the hour is near
when the walls come crashing down.”

When the earth is red, and sea is black,
and sky has all but vanished,
a single seed will choke our greed
when the walls come crashing down.

If trees should bear their fruit no more
and bears cease to find honey,
you cannot eat or drink your money
When the walls come crashing down.

When man does shed his brother’s blood,
when woman serves but one purpose,
the day has come for everyone
to watch the walls come crashing down.

When kings and paper gods are slain,
laid to rest in salted ground,
O, how we’ll dance to that thund’rous sound
when the walls come crashing down.

Though many are the nights we’ve cried,
the sun comes in the morning.
So have no fear of the wild, my dear,
when the walls come crashing down.

wisdom of Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri...