Saturday, January 26, 2019

how can i not be you?

how can i not be you,
my cherished ancestors
whose words and magic
flow like an ancient song
 in the blood
filling the tree of life
of my veins?

how can i not be you,
you who live on,
who I praise,
who I set a place at the table for.

sing with my voice.
i am the daughter of all my mothers
all the way back to beginning.
I am the many
who dance in the infinite Light.
how can i not be you,
my cherished ancestors?

how can I not be you?


Ya Fatima Fatir! It is Your Hand that Heals not mine!

In the Name of the One Who Is Tender Mercy and Infinite Forgiveness,
In the Name of the One Who Is Light.

In the Name of the Mother of every priestess!
May we be immersed in Your Bliss,

Mother and Wife of the Greatest Healer
May we heal all wounds;
May we be the ones You turn to,
the shamans who call out to Your Light.

Ya Fatima Ana! Our hands are for You.


(the former home of this blog was 
Mother-Willing, I will move the posts from that blog into this one eventually).


 It is Your Hand that Heals not mine! 
(Sufi Proverb)

Where Earth meets Water and Sky
and Fire meets Night,
You will find me There, Mother Fatima,
awaiting Your Instruction
to Heal with Your Light...
Ya Fatima Fatir!

Here my heart's prayer,
Shine Bright, Fire of the Eternal Sun!
Ya Fatima Fatir!

Image by Zingaia @ Deviant Art

wisdom of Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri...